Southworth container tilters improve productivity and safety by positioning baskets so that parts are easily accessible without bending, stretching, or reaching.Our general catalog includes many labor and back saving items including scissorlifts, tilt tables, carts and dollies.

We work with Safety and Ergonomic teams to come up with solutions to problems involving repetitive motion, bending and lifting, and a host of other issues facing the modern manufacturing facility.



PalletPal 360 Spring Level Loader
PalletPal 360 Spring Level Loader
PalletPal Turntable Ring / Pallet Carousel Portable Turntable
PalletPal Turntable Ring / Pallet Carousel Portable Turntable
Portable hydraulic lift table
Portable hydraulic lift table



©2002 -   CCD Conveyor Concept, Inc.
Conveyor Concept, Inc. P.O. Box 171, Bryant, AR 72089 Phone: 501.821.7200
Fax: 501.821.7201 Email:

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